
The XPSOasis Platform is a creation of RDATAA, a company based in Queretaro, Mexico, in collaboration with Cinvestav-Queretaro. It provides tools to the XPS community members for improving peak-fitting photoemission data analysis.

Over the past two decades, the use of XPS has grown so that it is the most widely used surface analysis method important in many areas of science and technology. A side effect of this expanded use has been the observations of a growing number of publications containing faulty XPS data and, more often, data analysis. The causes of this problem are many but include a new generation of XPS users and the increasing importance and use of XPS outside the surface and interface analysis community.

The objective of XPSOasis is to provide XPS users with a platform to engage other users, get information about peak fitting parameters relevant to each element line, and gain from the experience of others in the community. Elements of the XPSOasis.org site include:

  • Free access to the peak fitting program AAnalyzer® (you need to register at XPSOasis). This program includes advanced methods for peak-fitting photoemission data to enable quality peak-fitting analysis more simply. It contains the standard options of a photoemission fitting program and employs parameters with a direct physical interpretation.

  • Peak Fitting Discussion Forums for each line of each element to enable users to benefit from the experience of other users, compare fitting parameters, and get feedback from other users (filtered by a moderator).

  • Downloadable fitting parameters that have been successfully used to serve as a starting point for other users’ analysis and enable comparison of peak-fitting approaches.

  • Access to courses (taught by experts) about:
    • XPS,
    • XPS data peak-fitting,
    • the use of the software AAnalyzer and other software,
    • the use of the XPSOasis platform, and
    • other surface analysis topics.
  • Free access. By comparing approaches and the information that can be obtained, an analyst can increase their confidence in their data analysis and have a round or more of feedback on their fit before submission for publication.

As with any social network:

  • it facilitates communication among XPSOasis users through posts, comments, and directly through an internal messenger,
  • it has reward mechanisms including:
    • likes and dislikes of posts,
    • earning Spicer points based on the users‘ posts through likes, “best reply” marks given by a user that posted the question, and the tagging as part of the peak-fitting database by the forum moderator, and
    • becoming a moderator (with enough Spicer points, a user may become a moderator of a specific forum.)