Si 2p XPS Peak-Fitting Database


  • Database
    Data from Vince Crist ( The spectrum is good enough to determine the Lorentzian width, which resulted different from bulk silicon. (US Government data copyright number TX 4-560-881.)
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    Information about the sample:

    • Sample material: Quartz

    • Elements: Si, O

    • Sample composition: SiO2

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Kratos

    • Software used: Analyzer

  • Database
    The red, fushia, and olive-green peaks correspond to the 1+, 2+, and 3+ suboxides (parameters from Himpsel et al. Surf. Inter. Anal. 21. 44-50 (1994)). The green peak is the ST peak described in the paper titled "The ST component in the Si 2p photoemission spectrum from clean and oxidized Si [001] surfaces" (to be publish).
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: silicon oxide layer

    • Elements: Si, O

    • Sample composition: SiO2, Si
