Dr. Alberto Herrera-Gomez

645 Spicer points



Posts in Database



  • This post is for a peak-fitting test for students of the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro.
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

  • Fitting exercise for the Material's Characterization Course at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: SiC on silicon

    • Elements: Si, C, O

    • Sample composition: SiC/Si

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

  • Database
    Data from Vince Crist (https://xpslibrary.com/b-vincent-crist-ceo/). The spectrum is good enough to determine the Lorentzian width, which resulted different from bulk silicon. (US Government data copyright number TX 4-560-881.)
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    Information about the sample:

    • Sample material: Quartz

    • Elements: Si, O

    • Sample composition: SiO2

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Kratos

    • Software used: Analyzer

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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Database
    The red, fushia, and olive-green peaks correspond to the 1+, 2+, and 3+ suboxides (parameters from Himpsel et al. Surf. Inter. Anal. 21. 44-50 (1994)). The green peak is the ST peak described in the paper titled "The ST component in the Si 2p photoemission spectrum from clean and oxidized Si [001] surfaces" (to be publish).
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: silicon oxide layer

    • Elements: Si, O

    • Sample composition: SiO2, Si

  • download the data, fit it, and post it as a comment
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: SiO2/Si

    • Elements: Si, O

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

  • download the data, fit it, and post it as a comment
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: clean silicon

    • Elements: Si

    • Sample composition: Si

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

  • This is the cleanest si we could get. It is H-terminated.
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • please download it, fit it and post it as a comment
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • just try to fit it and post it
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: Quartz

    • Elements: Si, O

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

  • Which life-time width should I use? Which fitting software do you recommend?
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: HfO2/SiO2/Si

    • Elements: Si, O, Hf

    • Sample composition: HfO2/SiO2

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

  • download the data and try to fit it; then, post it as a comment
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Elements: Ni, O

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

  • download the data, fit it and post it as a comment
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: HfO/SiO/Si

    • Elements: Hf, O, Si

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

  • please propose a fit
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    Information about the sample:

    • Sample material: covellite

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

  • please propose a fit
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    Information about the sample:

    • Sample material: ZnS

    • Elements: Zn, S

    • Sample composition: ZnS

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 10

  • please propose a fit
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    Information about the sample:

    • Sample material: SnS

    • Sample composition: SnS

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

  • Showing HOPG C 1s spectra from different sources
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: HOPG

    • Elements: C

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Pass energy: 10

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Kratos

  • The first peak from right to left corresponds to sp2 and the second to sp3. The other three peaks correspond to adventitious surface carbon.
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Graphite

    • Elements: C, O

    • Sample composition: C

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Thermofisher

    • Spectrometer mode: Small area, large angle

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • June 4, 5 PM CT

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  • June 3, 5 PM CT

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  • Besides using a DL, a extra peak was added
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Metallic nickel

    • Elements: Ni

    • Sample composition: Ni

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • This post is described in the document titled "A formal expression for the photoemission signal and the angular transmission function" that can be found at http://www.qro.cinvestav.mx/~aherrera/reportesInternos/formalExpressionXPSIntensity.pdf
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: metallic nickel

    • Elements: Ni

    • Sample composition: Ni

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha110

    • Spectrometer mode: large angle small area

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Fitting exercise for the Material's Characterization course at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: clean Au film on Si

    • Elements: Au

    • Sample composition: Au

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

  • Database
    This fit is a slight variation of that published in Surf. Interface Anal. 52, 591-599 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1002/sia.6796. The fit is very complex; this is why, even though Fe 2p is widely studied core level, its fit hadn't been reported before 2020. This is the result of a simultaneous fit to iron films of different thicknesses, resulting in a robust fit.
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: metallic iron

    • Elements: Fe

    • Sample composition: Fe

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

    • Software used: Analyzer

  • The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted. X-ray incident angle: 55°. The fit required the use of asymmetric double-Lorentzian lineshapes for the main peak. The SVSC parameter of the satellites is slightly smaller that from the main peak. The fit is slightly off in the circled regions.
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: Tin

    • Elements: Sn

    • Sample composition: Sn

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: Analyzer

  • Database
    The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted. X-ray incident angle: 55°. The fit required the use of asymmetric double-Lorentzian lineshapes for the main peak. The SVSC parameter for the satellites is about 5 times larger than for the main peak. The fit for Sn 3d (post #493) is similar. The uncertainties were calculated using a gain of 4.8 (48 scans, 0.1 dwelling time). Read less
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: pure Cd

    • Elements: Cd

    • Sample composition: Cd

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 14.3

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Spectrometer mode: FAT

    • Software used: Analyzer

  • The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted. X-ray incident angle: 55°. The fit required the use of asymmetric double-Lorentzian lineshapes for the main peak. The SVSC parameter of the satellites is about the same as for the main peak.Read less
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: indium

    • Elements: In

    • Sample composition: In

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 14.3

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Spectrometer mode: FAT

    • Software used: Analyzer

  • download the data, fit it and post is as a comment
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: HfO2/Si

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

  • Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Synchrotron. Energy

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • very clean gold film
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Database
    Data from Vince Crist (https://xpslibrary.com/b-vincent-crist-ceo/). The spectrum is good enough to determine the Lorentzian width, which resulted different from bulk silicon. (US Government data copyright number TX 4-560-881.)
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    Information about the sample:

    • Sample material: Quartz

    • Elements: Si, O

    • Sample composition: SiO2

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Kratos

    • Software used: Analyzer

  • Database
    The red, fushia, and olive-green peaks correspond to the 1+, 2+, and 3+ suboxides (parameters from Himpsel et al. Surf. Inter. Anal. 21. 44-50 (1994)). The green peak is the ST peak described in the paper titled "The ST component in the Si 2p photoemission spectrum from clean and oxidized Si [001] surfaces" (to be publish).
    Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: silicon oxide layer

    • Elements: Si, O

    • Sample composition: SiO2, Si

  • Database
    This fit is a slight variation of that published in Surf. Interface Anal. 52, 591-599 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1002/sia.6796. The fit is very complex; this is why, even though Fe 2p is widely studied core level, its fit hadn't been reported before 2020. This is the result of a simultaneous fit to iron films of different thicknesses, resulting in a robust fit.
    Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: metallic iron

    • Elements: Fe

    • Sample composition: Fe

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

    • Software used: Analyzer

  • Database
    The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted. X-ray incident angle: 55°. The fit required the use of asymmetric double-Lorentzian lineshapes for the main peak. The SVSC parameter for the satellites is about 5 times larger than for the main peak. The fit for Sn 3d (post #493) is similar. The uncertainties were calculated using a gain of 4.8 (48 scans, 0.1 dwelling time). Read less
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: pure Cd

    • Elements: Cd

    • Sample composition: Cd

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 14.3

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Spectrometer mode: FAT

    • Software used: Analyzer


Ni oxidation

Public • 5 Member • 0 Post

Created by

Dr. Alberto Herrera-Gomez

Since 2021-04-26 18:09


study of the early stages of the oxidation of metallic nickel

Take a look

Full name:

Alberto Herrera-Gomez







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