Cr 2p forum





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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • This is an alternative fit for the data of the paper 4. "Oxidation mechanism of metallic chromium at room temperature". I use a doble lorentzina peak for the main peaks plus and a doblet of Voigt.
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    Files :

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    Information about the sample:

    • Sample material: Cr Metal

    • Elements: Cr

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Thermofisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Pure metalic chromium deposited by sublimation (99.999 purity, Sigma Aldrich). Data hace already published in Oxidation mechanism of metallic chromium at room temperature”, Applied Surface Science 542 (2021).
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Metallic Cr

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 35-85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Thermofisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • XPS fitting of Cr2p. Sample were oxidized at atmospheric conditions for 15 min
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample composition: Cr2O3,CrO3

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Pass energy: 10

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Thermoficher

    • Model: Alpha110

    • Spectrometer mode: MonoXPS


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