Hf 4f forum





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  • Fitting of metallic hafnium with a correlated doublet and the shape of the HD curve with Shirley narrow background
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Hf

    • Elements: Hf

    • Sample composition: Hf

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: HfO2

    • Elements: Hf, Si, O

    • Sample composition: HfO2/HfSiO2

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher Scientific

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Nitridation of HfO2/Si
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: HfON

    • Elements: Si, Hf, O and N

    • Sample composition: HfO1.66N0.33

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher Scientific

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • download the data, fit it and post is as a comment
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: HfO2/Si

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka (monochromatic)

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle

  • Fitting of the Hf 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: Hf

    • Elements: Hf

    • Sample composition: Hf

  • Hf 4f spectrum obtained from a polycrystalline metallic hafnium foil, data were published by Arranz and Palacio (accession #00876-02). The spectrum was fitted with one asymmetric Double-Lorentzian doublet, its branching ratio was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables. A. Arranz and C. Palacio , "Core Level Spectra of Hafnium and Hafnium Nitride (HfN0.9) by XPS", Surface Science Spectra 11, 33-42 (2004) https://doi.org/10.1116/11.20050103Read more
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: Metallic Hf

    • Elements: Hf

    • Sample composition: Hf

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Mg Ka

    • Pass energy: 16

    • Take-off angle: 0

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: SPECS EA

    • Model: 10 model

    • Spectrometer mode: constant pass energy

    • Software used: AAnalyzer


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