Dr. Abraham Jorge Carmona Carmona

224 Spicer points



Posts in Database


  • Os 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Osmium flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Sample information

    • Elements: Os 4f/5p

    • Sample composition: Os

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: Data acquisition parameters

    • Take-off angle: 15

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Equipment information

    • Model:

    • Spectrometer mode:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Fitting of metallic osmium with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with background narrow Shirley
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Os

    • Elements: Os

    • Sample composition: Os

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Os 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Osmium flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Os 4f

    • Elements: Os

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Os 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Osmium flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Os 4f/5p

    • Elements: Os

    • Sample composition: Os

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Os 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Osmium flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Os 4f

    • Elements: Os

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Os 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Osmium flat surface, published data were provided by DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.025001.The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Os 4f

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Metallic Gold adjustment made with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with narrow Shirley background, this does not present Shirley background
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Hg

    • Elements: Hg

    • Sample composition: Hg

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Fitting of the Hg 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Hg

    • Elements: Hg

    • Sample composition: Hg

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Hg 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Mercury flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Hg 4f

    • Elements: Hg

    • Sample composition: Hg

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Hg 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Mercury flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Hg 4f

    • Elements: Gh

    • Sample composition: Hg

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Hg 4f spectrum obtained from metallic mercury flat surface, published data were provided by Phy handbook of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Hg 4f

    • Elements: Hg

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: FeO

    • Elements: Fe, O

    • Sample composition: Fe0

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Model: ALpha 110

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Sample material: TiN

    • Elements: O

    • Sample composition: TiN

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: TiN

    • Elements: O

    • Sample composition: TiN

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Model: XPS 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPs

  • Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: FeO

    • Elements: Fe, O

    • Sample composition: FeO

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • is the blue peak necessary ?
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Re 4f

    • Elements: Re

    • Sample composition: Re

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Fit of metallic rhenium performed with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with bacgrond narrow Shirley
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Re

    • Elements: Re

    • Sample composition: Re

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Fitting of the Re 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Re

    • Elements: Re

    • Sample composition: Re

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Fitting of the Re 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Re

    • Elements: Re

    • Sample composition: Re

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: TiN

    • Elements: C

    • Sample composition: TiN

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Thermofisher

    • Model: Alpha110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: TiN

    • Elements: C

    • Sample composition: TiN

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Model: XPS110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Fe

    • Elements: C

    • Sample composition: FeO

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Model: XPS110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

  • The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging Lab. B15 "LPCN" CINVESTAV Qro, the data is copyrighted. Fitting of the Ti 2p photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade). The double Lorentzian for the main peak was divided into two singlest with correlated areas
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: Ti

    • Elements: Ti

    • Sample composition: Ti

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: TiN

    • Elements: Ti, N

    • Sample composition: TiN

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpaha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: TiN

    • Elements: Ti,N

    • Sample composition: TiN

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Ta 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Tantalum flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Ta 4f

    • Elements: Ta

    • Sample composition: Ta

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Spectrometer mode: FAT

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Fitting of the Ta 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Ta

    • Elements: Ta

    • Sample composition: Ta

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Metallic tantalum tuning performed with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with background narrow Shirley
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Ta

    • Elements: Ta

    • Sample composition: Ta

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Tungsten metal tuning performed with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with a narrow Shirley background
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • W 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Tungsten flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: W 4f

    • Elements: W

    • Sample composition: W

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Spectrometer mode: FAT

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: W

    • Elements: W

    • Sample composition: W

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Metallic iridium fit performed with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with background narrow Shirley
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Ir

    • Elements: Ir

    • Sample composition: Ir

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Fitting of the Ir 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Fitting of the Ir 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Ir

    • Elements: Ir

    • Sample composition: Ir

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Platinum metal tuning performed with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with bacgrond narrow Shirley
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Pt

    • Elements: Pt

    • Sample composition: Pt

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Fitting of the Pt 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Sample material: Pt

    • Elements: Pt

    • Sample composition: PT¡t

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Pt

    • Elements: Pt

    • Sample composition: Pt

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Fitting of the Au 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Au

    • Elements: Au

    • Sample composition: Au

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Metallic Gold adjustment made with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with background narrow Shirley
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Au

    • Elements: Au

    • Sample composition: Au

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Fitting of the Au 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Au

    • Elements: Au

    • Sample composition: Au

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • metallic bismuth fit, performed with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with background narrow Shirley
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Bi

    • Elements: Bi

    • Sample composition: Bi

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Bi 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Osmium flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Bi

    • Elements: Bi

    • Sample composition: Bi 4f

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Bi 4f spectrum obtained from metallic Osmium flat surface, published data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). The branching ratio of each doublet was forced to be equal to the theoretically expected value taken from the Scofield Tables
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Bismuth

    • Elements: Bi

    • Sample composition: Bi

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Fitting of metallic hafnium with a correlated doublet and the shape of the HD curve with Shirley narrow background
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Hf

    • Elements: Hf

    • Sample composition: Hf

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Fitting of the Hf 4f photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted).
    Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: Hf

    • Elements: Hf

    • Sample composition: Hf

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Sn3d

    • Elements: Sn, O

    • Sample composition: SnO

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Model: XPS 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONO

  • Read more

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Sn 3d

    • Elements: Sn, O

    • Sample composition: SnO

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Model: xps 110

  • Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: TiN

    • Elements: N

    • Sample composition: TiN

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: Thermofisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: TiN

    • Elements: Al

    • Sample composition: TiN

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Nanowires

    • Sample material: SiO2

    • Elements: S

    • Sample composition: S

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 10

    • Take-off angle: 85

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Database
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Nanoparticle

    • Sample material: SiO2

    • Elements: Si,O,Ca

    • Sample composition: Ca

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Database
    Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Nanowires

    • Sample material: SiO2

    • Elements: Na,Si, O

    • Sample composition: Na

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Database
    The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted. The double Lorentzian for the main peak was divided into two singlest with correlated areas.
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Pd 3d

    • Elements: Pd

    • Sample composition: Pd

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 14.3

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand:

    • Model:

    • Spectrometer mode: FAT

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Fitting of the Ag 3d photoemission spectrum for the element (research grade), data were provided by Vincent Crist (XPS library website, https://xpslibrary.com/). Read more
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat Surface

    • Sample material: Silver Ag (3d5) & Ag (3d3)

    • Elements: Pure Ag

    • Sample composition: Ag

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: Analyzer

  • Read more

    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Nanowires

    • Sample material: SiO2

    • Elements: Si,O

    • Sample composition: SiO2

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Barium aluminate with Cerium nanoparticles. Overlap between the peak of Barium MNN and Ce3d. The fit still does not convince me. The data are protected by copyright.
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    Files :

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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Powder

    • Sample material: BaAlO4+Ce

    • Elements: Ba, Al, Ce

    • Sample composition: BaAlO4

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Spectrometer mode: MONO

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Metallic thallium fit performed with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with background narrow Shirley
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Tl

    • Elements: Tl

    • Sample composition: Tl

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Lead adjustment with a little oxide, made with a correlated doublet and the shape of the double Lorentzian curve with a narrow Shirley background
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Pb

    • Elements: Pb

    • Sample composition: Pb

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Software used: aanalyzer

  • Database
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Nanoparticle

    • Sample material: SiO2

    • Elements: Si,O,Ca

    • Sample composition: Ca

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Database
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    Files :

    • You must be logged-in to download data

    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Nanowires

    • Sample material: SiO2

    • Elements: Na,Si, O

    • Sample composition: Na

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: MONOXPS

    • Software used: AAnalyzer

  • Database
    The use of the spectrum requires acknowledging https://xpslibrary.com/, the data is copyrighted. The double Lorentzian for the main peak was divided into two singlest with correlated areas.
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Pd 3d

    • Elements: Pd

    • Sample composition: Pd

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 14.3

    • Take-off angle: 90

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand:

    • Model:

    • Spectrometer mode: FAT

    • Software used: AAnalyzer


Full name:

Abraham Jorge Carmona Carmona







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