Post "Carbon in a nickel oxide sample"

forum: C 1s

from: Engr. Dulce María Guzmán Bucio

499 Spicer points




  • Carbon in a nickel oxide sample (C 1s forum)

    C 1s spectra was obtained from the surface of a nickel thick sample that was exposed to ultra pure oxygen at 100°C for 8 minutes in the tubular furnace. The peaks at 284.56, 286.50, and 288.15 eV correspond to C-C, C-O, and C=O bonds, all present in adventitious carbon. The peak at 292.62 eV probably is associated to compounds with C-C, C-O and C-H bonds or physisorbed CO2. Finally, the peak at 282.98 eV is diffused carbon, respectively. Data included in a Master Thesis (Guzmán-Bucio, Dulce M. Mecanismo de oxidación de níquel metálico, Cinvestav, Querétaro)
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    Information about the sample:

    • Shape: Flat surface

    • Sample material: Nickel (III) oxide

    • Elements: Ni, O, C

    • Sample composition: Ni2O3.13

    Data acquisition parameters:

    • Photon source: Al Ka monochromatic

    • Pass energy: 15

    • Take-off angle: 90°

    Equipment and analysis software:

    • Brand: ThermoFisher

    • Model: Alpha 110

    • Spectrometer mode: small area, large angle


Full name:

Dulce María Guzmán Bucio







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